
Sugar-free Ice Cream Base – Make your own ice cream

Sugar-free Ice Cream Base – Make your own ice cream at home!

Ice cream without sugar may not be the easiest thing to make, whether you have an ice cream factory or want a homemade ice cream. Many people have their own ice machines and a regular ice cream usually goes well, but the challenge for some is to make an ice cream without sugar.

At the request of Brazilian ice cream makers, Claudia Münch Produtos Funcionais Ltda., Our Brazilian subsidiary, has developed an ice cream base based on the criteria given:

Without artificial sweeteners such as apartam, acesulfame K and sucralose

In many countries, our customers say that their customers stop buying light products that contain artificial sweeteners. It is a trend, but in Norway you may be a little behind?

Minimal with polyols

Sugar alcohols, or polyols as they are also called, are the common sweetener in many products, but because they can cause stomach cramps, they are not an ideal sweetener. Because these are less sweet than sugar, you have to use a lot and then the problems with intestinal gas and other reactions arise.

Our ice cream base is sweetened with JustSweet, our own sweetener that tastes like sugar, and has a very small amount of maltitol (a polyol), not for the taste, but for the consistency. The amount is so small that we think no one will be able to react to it, even if they eat a lot of the sugar-free * ice cream you can make with this base.

* Plain milk contains sugars. Cream contains less

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